Glassy Sunday

July 23, 2012

This is weather more characteristic of May – long lazy calm days, only suspiciously suggestive of mid winter by the chill in the air.

What wonderful weather for rowing! On the promise of a light afternoon Nor’easter we headed out of the marina at around 8am Sunday and slid over the glassy bay toward Boston Island. Feeling privileged to have such a magnificent vista almost to ourselves – the other good citizens  having yet to rise or perhaps feeling the pull of different places of worship – we stroked the glassy sea with our oar blades and glided our Whitehalls to the shores of Windmill beach.

We ambled then along the shore and around the coast, sculling backwards just a meter or so off the rocks and  silently gliding over the myriad features of the aquatic habitat below us. For both Rob and I it brought to mind similar experiences from our youthful days of messing around in dinghys and someone vocalised the shared appreciation “I wouldn’t be dead for quids”!

We continued in this fashion for a mile or so; past the homestead (no sign of Peter – owner of the Island and erstwhile Mayor of Lincoln) and out to “House Reef” whereupon we needed a break from our exertions and so with the promise of a wafting breeze we set our sails and headed across the bay toward civilisation. The promised breeze was slow to appear but what better way to wile away a Sunday?!